Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Unusual Designs by Marc Owen

Some of the most unusual objects I've seen lately have to be part of designer Marc Owens' collection. I came across his website last night and saw that he has an OCD project, designed specifically for people suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! I find it such an unusual idea but I guess there is a market for it out there, I wonder if there are any other designers doing this?

His items include an OCD Light Switch. He explains that the compulsion of switching on and off the light switch is the most widely known example of obsessive compulsive behavior. This switch has a counter that allows you to see how many times you have switched it on and off.

He has also designed a Symmetry Frame. Its basically a picture frame with a spirit level built in. He explains that the reasoning behind this is to make "the process of straightening your photographs and pictures quick and easy, and would leave the more obsessive user with no doubt over the perpendicular angle at which it sits."

Another one of his designs is a peep-hole brush. This is a scrubbing brush with a magnifying glass built in to allow "the user to inspect the surface or object they may be cleaning with a greater satisfaction of its ultimate cleanliness".

There are also some nice regular items in his collection. I love this tandem umbrella! Handy for a romantic walk on a rainy afternoon! Although it would probably cause more fights than anything else...

All of these items and more can be seen at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, is it wrong that I think that brush is a great idea??